
Construction Begins on Walter Reed Solar Project Financed by the DC Green bank

September 2, 2020

Steven Jumper


Construction Begins on Walter Reed Solar Project Financed by the DC 

Green Bank

D.C.-based company Flywheel Development has begun construction of a solar installation on the Walter Reed campus, after receiving a $760,000 loan from the DC Green Bank.

As part of the partnership with DC Green Bank and with funding from the Solar for All program, Flywheel Development will construct a 470-kilowatt solar installation at the Abrams Hall building in the Parks at Walter Reed. Abrams Hall was recently transformed into low- and moderate-income housing, which includes units for seniors and formerly homeless veterans.

Solar for All recipients will save an estimated $1.5 million over the project’s life, while annual greenhouse gas savings are estimated at 405 metric tons of CO2 equivalent. The project is estimated to be complete by the end of September.

Flywheel and DC Green Bank initially partnered in June to bring the benefits of solar energy to the District through seven projects—also with Solar for All funding through the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU)—primarily located at Fairfax Villages in Ward 7.

The DC Green Bank, DCSEU, and DC Department of Energy & Environment partner with organizations across the District to develop community solar projects to benefit low-to-moderate income residents in multi-family buildings.

“We are excited to bring the benefits of solar technology to Abrams Hall on the Walter Reed campus by partnering with Flywheel Development,” DC Green Bank CEO Eli Hopson said. “Through projects like this, DC Green Bank continues to make the District of Columbia a more sustainable city for all.”

As a Solar for All project, the Abrams Hall solar installation is also expected to receive  approximately $500,000 in funding from the DCSEU through the Solar for All program to complete this project.

“The DCSEU is proud to work with Flywheel Development and the DC Green Bank to bring this Solar for All project to fruition. When complete, this project will bring much-needed energy bill savings to more than 130 families in D.C.,” said Ted Trabue, Managing Director of the DCSEU.

Flywheel Development, which was founded in the District seven years ago, is a leading sustainable development company active in real estate, solar development, and stormwater management infrastructure.

“The Flywheel Development team is thrilled to activate our partnership with the DC Green Bank as we begin construction on the solar project at the Parks at Walter Reed. Not only will this project bring solar power to thousands of D.C. residents, but will also create jobs for more than 9 people,” Flywheel Development Co-founder and Principal Jessica Pitts said.

The DC Green Bank was created to develop innovative financial solutions to support District businesses and residents in the journey to greener households and communities. The Green Bank is a critical component of the District’s strategic plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2032.

Solar for All, a DOEE program currently operated by the DCSEU, aims to bring the benefits of solar energy to 100,000 low- to moderate income families in the District of Columbia. The DCSEU is working with contractors and developers to install solar on single family homes and develop community solar projects to benefit renters and residents in multi-family buildings. Solar for All participants should expect to see a 50% savings on their electricity bill.
