
Green Banks in the United States: 2021 U.S. Green Bank Industry Report

The American Green Bank Consortium and the Coalition for Green Capital have just published a report outlining the state of green banks in the United States. In total, the report finds that American Green Banks have caused $7.0 billion in clean energy investment since 2011, with $1.69 billion of this investment taking place in calendar year 2020. The green bank concept was first proposed in 2009, and there are now 21 green banks in the U.S., with more in development.

A green bank uses public capital to mobilize more private investment into underserved green and resilient financing markets to fill market gaps. Green banks have the ultimate goal of enabling private capital partners to enter clean energy markets at scale without green bank assistance.

The mobilization ratio (overall investment/green bank investment) of American green banks was 3.7 to 1 as of the end of calendar year 2020, meaning that every green bank dollar invested resulted in $3.70 of overall investment in the American clean energy economy.

The green bank impacts presented in this report are the result of information gathering performed by the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC). Key metrics were collected from the public reports issued by each green bank as well as direct information provided to CGC by various green banks upon request. Data is from calendar year 2020.

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